About Where Grace Abounds
Where Grace Abounds (WGA) is a discipleship ministry. The operation of support groups, peer or staff consultations, social activities, etc. is to be understood in the context of our stated purposes as a religious ministry.
WGA services are not presented as a substitute for professional counseling or therapy. We maintain a referral list of competent professionals.
WGA comes alongside the church to help it minister to people with sexual and relational conflicts. WGA does not require that participants share its beliefs or belong to any religious organization.
WGA services are provided free of charge. No fees, “suggested donations,” dues, etc., are attached to the availability of consultations, or support group membership. Free-will offerings are taken at some meetings, and a monthly newsletter with a return envelope is provided for the convenience of those who would like to contribute to the ministry.
WGA is a 501(c)(3) corporation in the state of Colorado with a board of directors that oversees its operation.