St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

(Episcopal church in Denver, CO)

1280 Vine St., Denver, Colorado

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Location of Worship

1280 Vine St. Denver Colorado 80206-2912 Jump to map

Service Times

Join us every Sunday for Worship:

November 22, 2020
The Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Bulletin

You may also view services:

• on our Facebook Page

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 303-388-6469 Call Office: 303-388-6469 Send Fax: 303-333-0512 Email Fr. Jeffrey Nelson Email Carol Van Dyke Visit Website

(last updated on the 19th of November, 2020)

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About St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

  • As faithful followers of Jesus, St. Barnabas Parish strives to be a welcoming community of faith marked by Joyful worship, Spiritual growth, a Welcoming and progressive faith, Care for all creation, a Thirst for justice, and Responsible stewardship.

    In Practical Terms…

    We gather prayerfully around Word and Sacrament to proclaim, celebrate, and participate in God’s love through liturgy and music.

    We walk a path of life-long learning and exploration of our personal faith, seeking authentic and deeper relationships with God.

    We invite all from across God’s gloriously diverse spectrum of humanity to join our family and connect with us as we practice an expansive Christianity supported by Scripture, tradition, and reason.

    We strive to be God’s hands in the world, working to restore the dignity and integrity of our Earth and all creation with selfless love.

    We promote equity, justice, and peace among all people, advocating for social change in solidarity with those who are marginalized.

    We draw upon the time, talent, and treasure of our community to continue St. Barnabas’ legacy as a faithful center for gathering and outreach.

    Whether you're looking for a church community to call home or visiting from out of town, we welcome you exactly the way you are! Here's what to expect when you join us for worship.

    While we are a casual and progressive congregation, our Sunday morning services follow the liturgical tradition of the Episcopal Church.

    Children of all ages are welcome at all services. There are 'busy baskets,' books, and worship boxes available in the sanctuary and a soft space on the north side of the sanctuary for little ones who need to move. We also offer Godly Play (a biblical story telling experience) for ages three through eight during the 9:30 service. Children join the congregation at the Sharing of the Peace and stay for Communion. The classrooms are located on the second floor. A greeter will be happy to assist you.

    At St Barnabas, all are welcome to receive Communion regardless of age or denomination. If you do not wish to receive Communion but would like a blessing, cross your arms over your chest. It's also completely acceptable to remain seated during Communion.

    Following our service, we gather for refreshments and fellowship in Lukens Wing, the gathering space just outside the sanctuary. Please join us. We want to get to know you! From 11:00 - 12:00, we offer opportunities for spiritual exploration and growth for youth (grades 7-12), and adults.

    St. Barnabas has a long history of advocacy in a variety of social justice issues. In the words of our Baptismal Covenant, we wish to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves; to strive for justice and peace among all people; and to respect the dignity of every human being. We are a casual, friendly, and loving congregation, and we look forward to meeting you!

St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church Photos


  • Priest-in-Charge Fr. Jeffrey Nelson
  • Phone: 303-388-6469
  • Fax: 303-333-0512
  • Email: Email Fr. Jeffrey Nelson

Other Church Leaders


  • Parish Administrator Carol Van Dyke
  • Phone: 303-388-6469
  • Fax: 303-333-0512
  • Email: Email Carol Van Dyke

Children and Youth Activities

  • Worship

    At St Barnabas children of all ages are always welcome to worship with our congregation in both services. There are ‘Busy Baskets’ with soft toys and books under the pews as well as a large book basket under the front pew. Additionally, Worship Boxes are provided and include a variety of ways to engage with the service, sometimes just by keeping small hands busy. The blue carpet on the north side of the sanctuary is expressly offered as a soft space for little ones to move around and play.

    There are also opportunities for children to participate in and lead worship, including the Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) pancake supper and liturgy, Palm Sunday and Easter, Pentecost, the Blessing of the Backpacks, the St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals, and more.

    Godly Play

    Godly Play is for preschool through early elementary school children during the Liturgy of the Word (the first part of the service, which includes readings and the sermon). Children return to worship at the exchange of The Peace, before communion. Godly Play is offered during the school year.


    Spiritual formation for Middle School kids is also offered during the Liturgy of the Word, the first part of our Sunday worship. The youth engage the lectionary texts (the assigned Bible readings for each Sunday) in age-friendly ways and return to the worship service for the celebration of Holy Eucharist.
    St. Barnabas Youth Group

    St. Barnabas Youth are encouraged to participate and lead in a variety of ways; by serving at the altar as acolytes and readers, by serving their community in the nursery and Godly Play classroom, and by joining their peers at twice monthly meetings as well as social gatherings, service projects and travel, and our annual Youth Group Camping Trip in August.

    We introduce a new youth class of 6th and 7th graders every other year, and those groups remain together throughout middle and high school even while integrating with the full 6th-12th grade group frequently.

    Every other year we hold a special liturgy called “Rite 13” to acknowledge and celebrate our young teenagers’ passage into young adulthood, even while renewing our baptismal vows and our commitment to presence for these young people.

    On alternate years, our 9th and 10th graders prepare for and travel on Pilgrimage to the Navajo Nation and Four Corners Region. This trip is designed to help youth explore their relationship to God and themselves through sacred time, sacred space, and sacred journey.

    St. Barnabas Youth participate each summer in service learning and travel through our collaboration with YES (Young Episcopalians in Service); a multi-parish ministry of the Episcopal Church in Colorado.


Community Activities

Other Information

  • Parking: On-street parking is available. Public parking is also available in Cheesman Park, about a seven-minute walk from the church.
  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation:
  • Under 18 Congregation:
  • Other Information:

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