At Springs First you are welcome! We are a Bible-believing, God-loving and people-serving church. We want you to know you are valued. Come and find hope in the Living God.
The mission of the ‘HIS Kids’ Ministry is to support the overall mission of our church, by partnering with parents in the spiritual formation of their children. The result is the Discovery of God’s Truth, Development of Christ-like character, and Determination to live a Spirit filled life.
At the heart of Deuteronomy 6: 4-9 lies the reality that our relationship with God was never meant to be a once-a-week experience. Rather it’s an ongoing, daily process that takes place in our homes and our families, as well as in our church (Romans 12). Springs First’ desire is to partner with families to help encourage and equip children with the tools necessary in building their relationship with Jesus Christ. Our desire is that as children mature, they will grow in God’s grace and wisdom through the following areas:
1. Discover God’s Truth.-They will understand the value of unconditional love, become aware that God not only made them, but loves and cares for them. They begin to learn who Jesus is.
2. Develop a Christ-like Character- They discover who Jesus is and develop an understanding of what God desires from them. Honesty, kindness, self control and patience become real to the child. Bible stories lay foundations for children’s awareness of how amazing God is. Passages like “Full Armor of God” and “Fruits of the Spirit” teach children how to live for God.
3. Determine to Live a Spirit Filled Life- The determination to know God’s calling in their life grows. These are defining moments that lay the foundation for a Biblical world view. This awareness leads to their determination to live a life of victory and obedience that is in line with God’s original plan.Student Ministries
We love to come together and worship on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM!
On Sunday mornings at 9 AM we study the Word of God together.
Then at 10:30AM we worship with our SFC church family.
Throughout the year we have many events that include…
Quizzing, Game nights, Mission trips, Youth Camps, Retreats, Hiking and the list goes on!
In an effort, to become more like Jesus.
We encourage our community of students to come to know Jesus, serve others and worship HIM!!!
Join us and invite your friends!!!