About New Creation Church
We love what the Lord is doing at NCC! We believe the church is the hope of the world. When Jesus is the Head and believers operate by faith, as His body—He lives, breathes, saves, forgives, heals, fills, touches, teaches, equips, delivers, blesses and loves people! We’ve watched Him do it year-after-year and we’re looking forward to all that He has planned for the years to come!
Over the years, we’ve heard people say things like this about their experience at NCC: “It was fun; it didn’t feel churchy.” “I finally understand the Bible.” “I learned how to forgive.” “I found Jesus.” “I felt accepted.” “My kids love going to church.” “God healed me.” “Our marriage is better.” “I discovered my purpose for being alive.” And one of our favorites: “On my first visit, I heard the Lord say, ‘Welcome Home.’”
New Creation Church began with a vision in the heart of Pastors Craig and Sharon McCune. They opened the doors of New Creation Church in September of 1980. Pastors Craig and Sharon responded to God’s call to plant a new church in Salt Lake City, Utah in March of 1992. At that time Pastor Mark Bintliff became the Senior Pastor, having served in the ministry of the church for 10 years under the leadership of the McCunes.
Pastor Mark and Tasha are Senior Pastors of New Creation Church in Glenwood Springs Colorado, Mark is a 1982 Graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa Oklahoma, and is currently a Regional Director for Rhema Ministerial Alliance International. His solid Bible teaching is delivered with humor and creativity and causes spiritual truth to become reality in the lives of believers of all ages. A spirit of faith and an evangelistic heart characterize all aspects of their ministry together.