About Crossroads Community Church
What We Believe
Our Purpose
Transforming Lives Through Loving Relationships
With God
With Each Other
With the Lost
Our Values
God: We seek and honor God through worship and prayer!
You: We believe everyone matters to God!
Relationships: We believe ordinary relationships allow extraordinary things to happen!
Encouragement: We know an encouraging community is essential in helping people live for God!
Authenticity: We promote authenticity by being open and honest with ourselves, God and each other!
Generosity: God so loved the world that He gave His best. We want to be like God!
Excellence: We offer God our best in all we do!
Relevance: We commit to being relevant by using ever-changing methods to communicate the never changing message!
Our Priorities
EVANGELISM: Do all we can to introduce people to Jesus as Savior!
Work hard to ensure that the Crossroads family members know how to do this!
Encourage the Crossroads family members to develop caring relationships with those who do not know Jesus so that they can share him!
Encourage EVERYONE to join a “Life Group” so we share life together!
Provide an environment where people are guided to understand where they are at spiritually, and then encourage them to take the next step closer to Jesus!
BIBLICAL TEACHING: Maintain Biblically relevant teaching in all areas of ministry!
Be focused on our local community by actively participating in community events and by serving in our community!
Establish partners that we will both support and serve alongside globally and locally!