Asbury Korean United Methodist Church
7140 S Colorado Blvd, Centennial, Colorado
United Methodist churches in Centennial, Colorado
Location of Worship
7140 S Colorado Blvd
United States
Service Times
Worship 8:00 AM
Worship 11:00 AM
Sunday School 11:00 AM
Contact Info
Call Pastor: 720-529-5757
Call Office: 720-529-5757
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Asbury Korean United Methodist Church
인간의 존엄성을 회복아는덴버연합감리교회는.. · 덴버연찹깅리교회는 1979년 10윌 셋째 주일에 김종‘일 목사외 그의 가족. 변징‘l규 김독의 부인이신 변납덕 시모. 변悉은. 변금선, 징옥경과 항께 시작하였으며.1980년 6윌에 I tiff신힉교에서 수학하딘 조건상 목사가 Rocky tAouniain 연회로부터 파송을 받았습니다.
· 제1 대 담임목샤로 조건싱 목사기 1984년9윌에 Rocky Mountain 연회로부터 Mbury UMC로 까송되었고. 아울러 댄버연합감리교회가 항께 이진하였습니다.
. 1999년 2윌에 헌 예배 처소즐 119만 불窈’』― 구입하였고 조건상 목사는 2008년 6월 30?i까지 수고하였슴니다
· 제2대 담ㅏ목사로 이은주 목시가 2008년 7읠 1 일로 부임하여 2011 년 6윌 30일까지 수고하였슴니다
· 제3대 담임목사로 이선영 목시가 2011 년 7읠 1 일로 부임하여 (인간의 존엄성운· 회복하는 교홰클 표어로 삼고 목회하고 있슴니다.
인간의 존엄성을 회복하는 교회 저치 교회 흠끄」r이지를` 빙운하에 주심음 강시합니디. 저희 교회는 인간의 즌임성을 회복하는 교회입니디 인간은 누구니 악합니다. 부족한 연이 않슴니다. 죄도 있고 악도 행합니다. 그렇기에 교회를 통하여 거듭나기를 원합니다. 우리가 하나님의 형상응 닮은 즌임한 존재임읔 깨닫슴니다 예수님께서 보여주신 펑화와 사랑의 삶을 배움니다. 그리고 주님읖 본받아 살기를 원합니디. 서로를 존경하는 삶음 살고자 합니다. 기도해 주시기 바립니다.
Denver United Methodist Church
Denver Yeonchap Gingri Church was held on the third Sunday of October, 1979, Pastor Jong-il Kim and his family. Byun Jing ‘L Gyu Kim Dok’s wife Byeon Nap-deok. Byun 悉. It started with Geum-seon Byeon and Ok-gyeong Jing. In June 1980, the pastor was dispatched from the Rocky tAouniain banquet on condition that he studied at I tiff Shinhik.
· Rev. Choon Singh as the 1st pastor was recited from the Rocky Mountain Conference to Mbury UMC in September 1984. In addition, Danver United Methodist Church moved to Hange.
. In February 1999, I bought a used worship service house for 1.19 million dollars”—and the pastor worked hard until June 30, 2008 on condition.
· Moxy Lee Eun-ju was appointed as the 2nd pastor of Dama on July 1, 2008, and worked until June 30, 2011.
· Moxy Lee Seon-young was appointed as the 3rd senior pastor on July 1, 2011 (I have been pastoring with the motto of the church that restores human dignity and dignity.
A church that restores human dignity, a church that restores human dignity.” Our church is a church that restores human integrity. There is no shortage of years. I have sin and I do evil. That is why I want to be born again through the church. We realize that we are righteous beings who resemble the image of God. We learn the life of peace and love that Jesus showed us. And I want to live like the Lord. We want to live a life that respects each other. Please pray.
Location Map
- Pastor Haeil Park
- Phone: 720-529-5757
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Phone: 720-529-5757
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
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- Under 18 Congregation:
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