About Adriance United Methodist Church
We know you have a lot of great churches to choose from in Pueblo, Colorado, and we encourage you to check them out. If in your search you find yourself on our doorstep, we will welcome you with loving arms. Our goal is to be an authentic community of believers who are learning to love Jesus and love others more and more each day. Come as you are - Adriance United Methodist Church is a friendly and informal church. There's no need to dress up, unless it makes you feel more comfortable.
Webelieve that, inasmuch as Christ was given by the Father for us, and his obedience and punishment were accepted in place of our own, freely and not for anything in us, this justification is solely of free grace, in order that both the exact justice and the rich grace of God might be glorified in the justification of sinners. We believe that a zeal for personal and public obedience flows from this free justification.
About God The Son: Jesus Christ is completely human but, at the same time, completely God. He is the only plan for bringing people who are far from God back into a right relationship with God. He lived a perfect life, so that He could be a substitution for us in satisfying God's demands for perfection. He defeated death in His resurrection so that we can have life.
About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.