About West Hollywood United Church of Christ
We are a loving community
Our Mission statement is simple:
No Condemnation here! We are a Loving Community embracing Christ’s spirit and justice.
We are a progressive community
West Hollywood Church is a unique community of faith that is part of the “progressive” expression of Christianity. This means we are a church in the process of transforming and changing “first century language, metaphors and beliefs” about God and ourselves into ones that are contemporary and relevant to our time and place in history. We seek to discern the meaning of the Scriptures and our faith from the perspective of 21st century Christians.
We are an inclusive community
West Hollywood Church is wildly Inclusive! We believe that God has created each of us as uniquely individual persons and that our differences enrich our life and ministry, and are a great witness to what “God’s Beloved Community” is like. We are intentionally inclusive of gender, race, ability, age, sexual orientation, economic condition and theological background.
We are committed to using language for God and for the entire human family that celebrates God as fully inclusive of women and men, young and old, rich and poor, people of all colors and races, all sexual orientations, all levels of ability, as well as language that is meaningful and relevant to our lives today. Our use of inclusive language opens us to a whole new experience of who God is and who we are, as persons who are loved, valued, and created in the Image of God.
We are an intentional community of compassion and love
We know that it is often difficult to find community in an impersonal city. We seek to be an intentional community built upon Jesus’ values of care, compassion, service, justice, and support for one another.
We celebrate our spiritual gifts
We believe that we are all called to be ministers. (Ministry is not just for professional ministers. It is the calling of each of us.)
God has given each of us spiritual gifts to use for the common good.
Our ministry helps us to discover and discern our gifts so that we may use them in service to others.
Our ministry helps us find ways to use our gifts both within the church and in the world.
We are fun-loving!
There is a spirit and joy here at West Hollywood Church that is incredibly contagious. We celebrate the goodness of life and the joy of God in all we do. And we have a lot of fun doing it!
We are welcoming
We’d be honored to have you come and see for yourself if we are the right community to meet your spiritual needs. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!