About Vineyard Christian Fellowship
Our official name is Vineyard Christian Fellowship, but most people simply call us the Vineyard. Our highest aim here at the Vineyard is to be a people who are learning to live the teachings of Jesus. He is our Hero. We worship him and are simply trying to be followers of him.
What to expect now that you are here:
We begin with prayer and worship. The worship music here is contemporary. Sometimes it is loud and upbeat while at other times slow and intimate. Our purpose is not to so much sing about God (although that does enter into it), but rather, to sing to God. We hope you feel God’s touch during the worship.
We typically take a short break after worship to allow the elementary and under kids go to their classes. We also take the opportunity to say hola to each other and hang out a bit before the teaching time. If you have children, someone will show you where you can drop them off. If not, take a minute to meet some people.
Typically, our pastor Doug Quadara alternates his teachings between a book of the Bible and current topics which have relevance to where we are as a community. He really is a good guy, so we usually cut him some slack when he gets a little goofy or off track a little as he is apt to do at least once each Sunday.
Wherever Jesus went, he seemed to minister to people in whatever way they needed it. Since Jesus said that wherever two or three were gathered in his name, that he was present with them, we believe that he is actually with us in real and tangible ways. So, we will typically leave some time at the end of the service for what we call “ministry time”. If you feel God’s call to you during the worship or maybe during the teaching, this is a good time to respond to him. We will make ourselves available to pray for you also if you have needs for anything (i.e. finances, healing, situations that you may find yourself in). We believe that Jesus is still doing the same types of things that he has always done and that he bids us to follow him into joining him as he continues doing them today.