St. Bernard Church

1620 62nd Ave., Oakland, California

Roman Catholic churches in Oakland, California

St. Bernard Church, Oakland, California, United States

Location of Worship

1620 62nd Ave.
United States

Mass Times

Sunday Masses:

Saturday (Vigil): 4:30 PM & 6:00 PM (Español)Sunday: 7:30 AM (Español), 9:00 AM , 11:00 AM (Español)

Daily Masses:

Monday-Friday: 8:15 AM (Bilingual)Saturday: 8:15 AM

Holy Days:

8:15 AM (Bilingual) & 7:00 PM (Bilingual)

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (510) 632-3013
Send Fax: (510) 632-5286
Email Pastor

About St. Bernard Church

Welcome to St. Bernard Church in Oakland. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written by men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. The Bible, including all the books of the Old Testament and New Testament, is Holy Scripture and the inspired true word of God. It is fully authoritative and our only absolutely trustworthy guide for life and faith. We believe that eternal life in heaven is the reward of all who believe and receive Christ as their Lord.

Here at St. Bernard Church, we believe that good works constitute indispensable evidence of saving grace. Living as salt in a world that is decaying and light in a world that is dark, believers should neither withdraw into seclusion from the world, nor become indistinguishable from it: rather, we are to do good to the city, for all the glory and honor of the nations is to be offered up to the living God. Recognizing whose created order this is, and because we are citizens of God's kingdom, we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, doing good to all, especially to those who belong to the household of God.

About Salvation: We believe that salvation (eternal life in heaven) comes by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ (his death on the cross). (Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:8-11; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-9)

About Generosity: Give it away - You can give without living, but you can't love without giving. 'The son of God... loved me and gave himself for me.' - Galatians 2:20

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