St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church

13091 Galway Street, Garden Grove, California

Episcopal churches in Garden Grove, California

St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church, Garden Grove, California, United States
St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church, Garden Grove, California, United States

Location of Worship

13091 Galway Street
Garden Grove
United States

Service Times


Sunday 8:00 AM, Spanish Language, Santa Misa

Sunday 10:00 AM, English Language Holy Eucharist

Sunday 10:15 AM, Vietnamese Language Holy Eucharist (In the Little Church)

Sunday 11:30 AM, Korean Ministry Holy Eucharist

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (714) 537-0604
Call Office: (714) 537-0604
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About St. Anselm of Canterbury Episcopal Church

We are a community of Christians with open minds and open hearts, and we open our doors to all.

As Christians with open minds we ask even the most difficult questions and allow those questions to challenge us to go new directions. We believe that our reason and human experience guide us just as the Bible and Christian tradition do. This is why we have perspectives that differ from other Christians. And this is why we fully accept people of all races, the divorced, as well as gay, lesbian, and transgender people.

With open hearts we embrace those who are different from us. As we do we find that we encounter Christ in new and surprising ways. Together we coordinate a Wednesday afternoon hot lunch program for people who are homeless. We are a congregation of various cultures and have ministries in English, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

And we are a community that opens our doors to all. For us it is important not just to nurture ourselves spiritually, but to also offer hospitality to others. Some come to us with a curiosity. Others are looking in earnest for a spiritual home. We do not seek to impose our beliefs on anyone, but invite each person to explore how their spiritual path might be enriched by our faith community.

We are Episcopalians. The Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our Church is a synthesis of all the positive aspects of the Catholic Tradition and the insights of the Reformation.

With open minds, and open hearts, and doors open to all, we seek to know God and to create a better world for everyone. You are invited to join us wherever you are on your spiritual path.

We invite you to visit us on Sunday. We look forward to meeting you.


The Rev. Father Thomas Lee

Location Map


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Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information