About Saddleback Church
Welcome to Saddleback
We are one family in many locations that is passionate about family, friendships, and finding our calling. This is a family, and a place to call home. It’s a place to get help, healing, and hope. Whether you’re in Orange County or Buenos Aires, an atheist or lifetime follower of Christ, you are welcome here.
To provide a place where the depressed, the hurting, and hopeless can come and find help. To be a place of family, community, and hope.
To welcome the community with open arms. To train an army of people who are passionate about living out God’s purpose for their lives. To then give that army an outlet for sharing the love of Christ through outreach and missions.
We will continue our relentless pursuit to reach one more for Jesus by opening PEACE Centers around the world, opening eight more international campuses, and going to the ends of the earth to share the hope of Jesus Christ.