About Sacramento Community of Christ
Community of Christ Sacramento is a loving, inclusive community that believes everyone born has a place at God's table. We seek genuine, vulnerable connection with one another, and with God, and yearn to make a genuine difference in the world.
We aspire to Know Ourselves, and in doing so strive to be a Sanctuary Without Walls - a sacred space where people can come to experience, learn, and practice the principles of Christianity, openly explore their purpose and place in life, worship, and find renewal.
We aspire to Build Community, and so we strive to encounter our neighbors, catalyzing God's unfolding in the community, sowing peace, resolving conflict, and demonstrating the worth of all persons.
We aspire to Lift Lives, and strive to discover, through prayer and discernment, the needs and hopes of the community. In doing so, we commit to serving the community in practical ways that meet the needs we have discovered, and promote Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace so that people may live their lives to the fullest.
Community of Christ Sacramento is an inclusive, affirming congregation, and fully welcomes members of the LGBTQIA2S+community.
We are a progressive community that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, with the focus on being inclusive, loving humans. We welcome everyone where they are, including other faith practices and will meet you wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
--Are you seeking community?
--Do you believe in love as a healing force
You are invited and we love you.