Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church

1350 W Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, California

Foursquare churches in Los Angeles, California

Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church, Los Angeles, California, United States

Location of Worship

1350 W Jefferson Blvd
Los Angeles
United States

Service Times

Servicio en Vivo por Facebook live Domingo 10:45 a.m.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 323-202-5437
Email Pastor

About Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church

Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church is a multigenerational church that exists to help people find and follow God. We seek to provide a safe place for people of all walks of life to experience true life-change through authentic, biblical community with God. Regardless of your story, your doubts, or your struggles,you are welcome at Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church in Los Angeles, California. So come as you are. We can't wait for you to visit and to welcome you home. We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in all believers, and through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, a distinct experience from salvation, believers are empowered for Christian service, and gifted for this service.

At Luz del Cielo L.A. Foursquare Church we believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He regenerates sinners, and in Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.

About Full Salvation: We believe in a three-fold salvation, body, soul and spirit through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and His redeeming Blood. By the finished work of Christ on the Cross, we are delivered from the curse and given eternal life, which provides the Christian forgiveness of sins and healing in the body.

About The Ministry: A divinely called and scripturally ordained ministry has been provided by our Lord for the fourfold purpose of leading the Church in: Evangelization of the world. Mark 16:15-20 Worship of God. John 4:23,24 Building a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son. Ephesians 4:11-16, Meeting human need with ministries of love and compassion. Psalms 112:9, Galatians 2:10; 6:10, James 1:27

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