Long Beach Christian Reformed

5559 E Wardlow Rd, Long Beach, California

Christian Reformed churches in Long Beach, California

Long Beach Christian Reformed, Long Beach, California, United States

Location of Worship

5559 E Wardlow Rd
Long Beach
United States

Service Times

Our Christmas Eve Services are at 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services

8:30 A.M. Worship in the Social Hall

If you're an early bird, this one’s for you. This service features music led by a praise band and praise team, an opportunity to make prayer requests, and a message from the Bible. Come a little early and help yourself to coffee and a donut!

10:40 A.M. Worship in the Sanctuary

This is our larger gathering and features music led by a praise band and praise team, an opportunity to make prayer requests, lively singing by our choir (October through May),and a message from the Bible. Following worship, enjoy coffee and conversation on the lawn!
Nursery and Children's Church

Nursery and Children's Church are proved for both services by people who care about kids. Children's Church is for ages 3 through 2nd grade and gives young children the opportunity to worship at a level meaningful to them. Children worship with their parents for the opening of the service, then leave for Children’s Church before the pastor gives the message. Parents pick up their kids after the service.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 562-421-1721
Call Office: 562-421-1721
Send Fax: 562-421-0775
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Long Beach Christian Reformed

A Story… The Bible tells of a pivotal moment. Humanity was going from bad to worse; God took action. God blessed Abraham (no standout) in order to bless all peoples through him (Genesis 12.1-3). This story points to what we're about at LBCRC.

Our Need... God created us to glorify God by enjoying him. Foolishly, and to a person, we seek fulfillment in other sources. This sin separates us from God and unleashes countless miseries. On our own, we cannot undo this damage.

Our God... Through the life, death, and resurrection of his son, Jesus Christ, God has acted to bring sinners home to himself. God graciously calls us to trust in Jesus for his forgiveness and new life. When we do, God welcomes us into his forever family, the church.

Our Purpose... Our church’s aim is to make new and better followers of Jesus - for God's glory! Or, to use the words of the Bible text mentioned above, to grow in receiving God’s blessing and in blessing others. We are blessed to bless.

Our Roots... We are affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America, a family of churches in the U.S. and Canada. Our roots are in the Protestant branch of the historic Christian Church which has existed for thousands of years and today spans the globe. The Bible is our guide for belief and living. We aim to be "re-formed" according to God's Word, and by the power of God's Spirit.

Our Mission... is to make new and better followers of Jesus Christ...for God's glory!

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information