Lighthouse Baptist Church

(Baptist church in San Diego, CA)

1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove, San Diego, California

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Location of Worship

1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove San Diego California 91945 Jump to map

Service Times

Weekly Services


Bible Study - 9:30am
Morning Services - 11:00am
Evening Services - 5:30pm


Midweek Service - 7:00pm

Praise the Lord to our knowledge there continues to be no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our church. We will continue to meet online for services until we receive word from the county that it is safe to gather again. In the meantime, we have expanded our service offerings and the platforms in which to view those services. We have listed some answers to frequently asked questions below:

CDC recommended sanitization
Staff and volunteer health screening
Marked pews for social distancing
Usher controlled seating
Designated overflow areas
Masks recommended
Hymns on Screen
Contactless offering box
Limited papers distributed

No congregating in the Auditorium/Overflow.
Multiple Exits for minimal contact
No unauthorized room use
Childcare Nursery/Beginners- Closed
Live Sunday schools– Closed
Children’s and Bus Ministry– Closed
Bookstore– Closed
Public Water Fountain– Closed

Thank you church for your continued support and prayers. We appreciate your patience as we adapt to this current form of ministry and strive to improve our abilities to serve our church family with our media offerings. As always, the church staff is available to answer questions or assist you in any way we can.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (619) 461-5561 ext.111 Call Office: (619) 461-5561 ext.125 Send Fax: Email Doug Fisher Email Cal Braley Visit Website

(last updated on the 10th of September, 2020)

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About Lighthouse Baptist Church

  • Lighthouse Baptist Church is an old-fashioned, fundamental, independent, soul-winning, local Baptist church, with a heart for reaching the greater San Diego area for Christ.

    We lift up the Lord Jesus Christ as the only means of salvation for a lost and dying world.

    God’s hand is upon our ministry and we are experiencing phenomenal growth.

    We invite you to attend our services and be a part of what God is doing in San Diego.

Lighthouse Baptist Church Photos

Other Church Leaders

  • Pastor Gil Torres
    Pastor Kirk Harrell
    Pastor Chris Chaney

Children and Youth Activities


  • Filipino Ministry

    The Filipino Ministry, by God’s grace and power, tries to reach the lost and unsaved Filipinos in the San Diego area with the Gospel of Christ through Soulwinning and Biblical Discipleship (Matt.28: 18-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8)

    We meet for Soulwining in the Lighthouse upper parking lot at 10 am on Saturdays.

    To see a video of the Filipino Ministry’s involvement in the local Filipino-American Festival, Big Day and fellowships, see the video under the video tab to the right.


    John & Perlas Quinto

    (619) 461-5561 Ext 126

Community Activities

Other Information

  • Parking:
  • Dress Code: Although the Lighthouse is an old fashioned conservative church, Pastor Fisher is more concerned with your spiritual state than your appearance. You will notice most of the women choose to wear modest skirts or dresses and the men in suits or dockers, but we want you to feel welcome no matter how you dress.
  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
  • Other Information:

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