Holy Trinity/La Santisima Trinidad is a diverse congregation in the city of Richmond between I-80 and the Bay. It is located on the corner of 37 Street and Roosevelt Avenue at 555 37 Street.
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, at 10:30 AM, we assist in serving lunch to the homeless at G.R.I.P’s Richmond Super Center.
Sandwich Ministry
Every Friday night at 7:30 PM we meet in the church kitchen to make sandwiches for the day laborers . Every Saturday at 7:30 AM we meet in the kitchen, gather the sandwiches and coffee and drive to and area on San Pablo Avenue past Home Depot to distribute the sandwiches. For more information email the Rev. Javier Torres at unoencristo2HOTMAIL.COM
Wilson School Ministry
We have an ongoing ministry to our local Elementary school here in Richmond. Before the start of school we donate school supplies and at Christmas we adopt children and their families to donate gifts to make their holiday brighter.