About Gateway Community Church
Every congregation has a history. Gateway’s history began in the early 1900s as a Sunday School meeting in a school house on San Antonio and Edison Avenue in Chino. In 1963 the congregation built at our present location at Schaefer and Oaks. Our denominational affiliation is the Brethren in Christ. The Brethren in Christ were formed in Pennsylvania in 1776.
The Brethren movement (Pietism – warm spiritual decisions to follow Jesus) and the Anabaptists (believer’s baptism, following the way of peace) comprised the early Brethren in Christ, and one hundred years later John Wesley’s theology (holy living) influenced the Brethren in Christ.
In 2000 Chino Brethren in Christ Church became Gateway Community Church. In 2006 Gateway served as the mother church to the Grace Point church plant in South Ontario.
On Sunday October 20, 2013 we celebrated the 100th Year Anniversary of our Church! Photos from our 100 Year Anniversary.