About church of Christ
We at church of Christ in Santa Clara all still struggle with our own fallenness - daily - despite God's redemptive mercy through Christ. We have been delivered by God's grace from the ultimate penalty of Sin (eternal death), but the scars persist. And we are still sinners - albeit redeemed by God's mercy, and freed from condemnation. So as you come among us, expect to encounter brokenness and sin still on display, and grant us a measure of grace. By God's redeeming mercy we are being gradually drawn towards healing, and we invite you to join us in that journey.
We believe that the Holy Spirit glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ by convicting the world, by regenerating sinners into union with Christ, and by indwelling, guiding, instructing, equipping, and empowering believers for Christ-like living and service
About The Church: We believe that the church is the body and bride of Christ and consists of Christians everywhere. (Matthew 16:13-18; Acts 2:14-47)
About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.