About Celebrate Bible Church
At Celebrate Bible Church, San Jose we believe thatGod exists and has revealed Himself to mankind. We believe that our conscience and actions must be directed by and submitted to God's truth. This truth comes to us in many ways but has particularly been given in the form of the special and unique revelation of the Bible. We invite you to join us at Celebrate Bible Church. Come and talk to us - we'll make you very welcome.
Christ's people should, as occasion requires, organize such associations and conventions as may best secure cooperation for the great objects of the Kingdom of God. Such organizations have no authority over one another or over the churches. They are voluntary and advisory bodies designed to elicit, combine, and direct the energies of our people in the most effective manner. Members of New Testament churches should cooperate with one another in carrying forward the missionary, educational, and benevolent ministries for the extension of Christ's Kingdom. Christian unity in the New Testament sense is spiritual harmony and voluntary cooperation for common ends by various groups of Christ's people. Cooperation is desirable between the various Christian denominations, when the end to be attained is itself justified, and when such cooperation involves no violation of conscience or compromise of loyalty to Christ and His Word as revealed in the New Testament.
About The Holy Spirit : The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity, equal to the Father and Son. He is present in the world to make mankind aware of our need for Jesus Chris. He indwells every Christian from the moment of salvation as the Divine Helper, empowering him or her to live a victorious life and fulfill the Great Commission, given by Christ. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an empowerment for service that takes place in the life of the Christian (Acts 2:5,8).
About God's Solution: We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice, and are, therefore under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.