About Bethel Baptist Church
God calls the church "The pillar and foundation of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15). That truth can be summarized into categories known as doctrines. One of the highest callings of the church is to be sure to preach and teach sound doctrine. Our hope is that in the end we will be found faithful in teaching God's people the eternal truths of the Word of God. Click here to view Bethel's doctrinal statement, which has been organized into categories to assist you in understanding what we believe and teach through our various ministries.
Elder Led
We believe the New Testament model for church leadership is that a plurality of biblically qualified men (cf. 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) should supply spiritual leadership and direction to the local church. Bethel has three such men including the pastor who is seen as the preaching elder.
It is our belief that the call of God is to make much more of Jesus Christ than of man and his problems. Indeed, the Bible cautions us that the answers to man's problems are not found by focusing on the problems, but rather by continuously "seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Jesus Christ is our life, our all-in-all. Therefore, much of our teaching and preaching focuses primarily on who God is and what we have because we now belong to Him.
Lovingly Reformed
The preaching and teaching of Bethel Baptist Church has a distinctly "Reformed" tone about it. The "doctrines of grace" (as they are called) are precious to us beyond measure. While we do not agree with every position taken by those who initiated the Protestant Reformation, (e.g., infant baptism, etc.) we do believe their understanding of the gospel (especially regarding who does what in salvation) is an accurate representation of what the inspired apostolic authors intended to communicate through sacred Scripture.
Debt Free
All of the buildings and facilities used by Bethel Baptist Church are bought and paid for. We have no outstanding debt against which we are paying.