About Berean Baptist Church
Are you NEW to Christianity?
Are you interested in learning more about Christianity? There are so many churches to choose from and many different ideas about Christianity that it is hard to determine who is telling the truth. We have a simple solution: find a church that teaches only from the Bible. Please come and visit with us for a service. All of our messages are Christ-centered and Biblically based. If you want to learn more about Jesus Christ, there is no better source than the Bible. We never teach from anything else.
What to expect when you visit:
The truth preached straight from the Bible (even the parts that aren’t popular in the general public)
No slick sales pitch
Friendly people
Lots of singing
Services are usually 1½ hours
You are welcome at any of our weekly services, but the 10:30 am Sunday service is often the best possible time for a first visit.
No big-production band, smoke machines or skits. Our church’s goal is to glorify God, not to be an entertainment venue.
Minimal bureaucracy. As an independent Baptist church, our church answers to no-one but Jesus Christ.
Are you a BELIEVER looking for a solid church?
We commonly hear from visitors and new church members that it’s really tough for believers to find a good Bible preaching church. If you are making the rounds looking for a solid church, we hope you will come by for a visit. As a believer you probably have some specific ideas about what you are looking for, so here is what you can expect from Berean Baptist Church in Rohnert Park:
Historical Baptist Doctrine. This means we believe in the Sovereign Grace of Jesus Christ as our Baptist forefathers have for generations.
Expository Preaching. Our Pastor preaches straight from the Bible. We are not a social gospel church, a political party church, a self-help group, or a part of the charismatic movement. You will be hard-pressed to find a church that preaches from the Bible more than ours.
Multiple services per week. Each service has a different message.
Minimal church politics. There is no such thing as a perfect church, but Berean does a good job of keeping ego and politics out of church leadership.
We post our sermons online so please listen to a few to get a feel for what we teach.