About Stebbins Assembly of God
We know you have a lot of great churches to choose from in Stebbins, Alaska, and we encourage you to check them out. If in your search you find yourself on our doorstep, we will welcome you with loving arms. Our goal is to be an authentic community of believers who are learning to love Jesus and love others more and more each day. Come as you are - Stebbins Assembly of God is a friendly and informal church. There's no need to dress up, unless it makes you feel more comfortable.
We believe the Holy Spirit empowers spiritual gifts as God wills to His children. These gifts are designed to testify to the presence of the Kingdom and distributed to equip the saints for worship and ministry to build up the body of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-11; Ephesians 4:11-12). The miracles and revelatory gifts dispensed to the apostles and prophets of the early church are active today. The use of spiritual gifts is for the purpose of edification within the body that it would be built up in Christ (1 Corinthians 14:12). We believe that God uses these spiritual gifts to display His glory and anointing in individual saints for the work of His ministry established in the timeless message of the Bible (Acts 2:1-4).
About Full Salvation: We believe in a three-fold salvation, body, soul and spirit through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and His redeeming Blood. By the finished work of Christ on the Cross, we are delivered from the curse and given eternal life, which provides the Christian forgiveness of sins and healing in the body.
About Salvation: We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ; that this salvation is based upon the sovereign grace of God; that it was purchased by Christ on the cross; that it is received through faith, apart from any human merit, works, or ritual; and that salvation results in righteous living, good works and biblically informed actions to bring about godly justice wherever we live.