Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

415 Fourth Street, Juneau, Alaska

Episcopal churches in Juneau, Alaska

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Juneau, Alaska, United States
Life at Holy Trinity
Trinity Sunday
The Rev. W. Robert Webb (Rector 1944-1946) gives a blessing during the Christmas season
Light through stained glass windows illuminates the baptismal font.

Location of Worship

415 Fourth Street
United States

Service Times

8:30 am Holy Communion
11:00 Family Service

Wednesday 12:00 p.m.
Holy Communion

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (907) 586-3532
Call Office: (907) 586-3532
Send Fax: (907) 463-5207
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, serving the people of Juneau since 1896. Open, progressive, liturgical, bible-loving, God-fearing, open-hearted and trusting God to lead and to provide. Ministry to the homeless, to the hungry, to the legislature, to the arts, to the addicted; rejoicing with those who rejoice, and weeping with those weep. Binding up the broken hearted and preaching good news to captives of every kind. Services year round: Sundays 8:30 and 11:00 and Wednesdays at noon. Rector the Rev. George Silides; Associates Hunter Pearson Silides and Wilson Valentine. Drop by, set a spell.

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