Union Chapel

1212 Union Chapel Rd, Union Grove, Alabama

United Methodist churches in Union Grove, Alabama

Union Chapel, Union Grove, Alabama, United States

Location of Worship

1212 Union Chapel Rd
Union Grove
United States

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Contact Info

Email Pastor

About Union Chapel

At Union Chapel, we know that walking into a church for the first time can be a bit intimidating. We really strive to be a church that meets people where they are, whether you've been following Jesus for many years or are just starting to investigate faith. Our hope is that you will discover Union Chapel in Union Grove, Alabama to be a place where you can find community, grow in your relationship with Jesus and discover the mission for your life.

We believe that by complete and perfect obedience to God and by His suffering and His death, Jesus Christ obtained forgiveness of sins and the gift of His righteousness for all who trusted in God prior to the cross and all who trusted in Christ thereafter. Through living a perfect life and dying in our place, the just for the unjust, Christ absorbed and became sin and succumbed to our due punishment thereby satisfying the wrath of God against us.

About The Church: The Church is the Body of Christ, the Family of God, the Bride of Christ, a habitation of God through the Holy Spirit, given the assignment of fulfilling the Great Commission by Jesus, who is the Head of the Church. Every person who is born of the Spirit is an integral part of the Church and becomes part of the Body of Christ.

About Generosity: Give it away - You can give without living, but you can't love without giving. 'The son of God... loved me and gave himself for me.' - Galatians 2:20

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