About Saint Xenia the Blessed Russian Orthodox Chapel
Saint Xenia the Blessed Orthodox Chapel is a mission church of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). Our services are mostly in English with some parts in Church Slavonic. We are committed to have frequent worship services as we continue to grow toward becoming a parish church with a resident priest.
We have two visiting priests who celebrate for us the Divine Liturgy, one on the first Sunday of the month (Fr. Michael) and the other on the third Sunday of the month (Fr. Joseph). We have a tonsured reader (Michael) and two readers in training (both named Nicholas).
We have vespers every Saturday at 5:00 p.m. The vespers on the eve of the first Sunday is usually Great Vespers and the others are reader vespers. On second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month we have a reader service at 12:00 noon (Typika or Akathist).
Our bishop is Metropolitan Hilarion, the Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, and First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). Our Dean is Father John Townsend of the Saint Mary of Egypt Church in Roswell, Georgia.