Paramount Baptist Church

3801 S. Western, Amarillo, Texas

Baptist churches in Amarillo, Texas

Paramount Baptist Church, Amarillo, Texas, United States
50th Anniversary Service
The performance
EXP (Saturday nights at 6 pm)
Senior Pastor Gil Lain

Location of Worship

3801 S. Western
United States

Service Times


Our Saturday night worship service meets at 6pm in the Building B Worship Center. It is a casual and creative service with progressive, band-led worship.


Our traditional Sunday morning service meets in the Building A Worship Center at 8:30am. This service features an adult choir, orchestra, and a more traditional worship style, mixing beloved hymns with tasteful, more contemporary worship music.

SUNDAYS: TheEleven

TheEleven worship service meets in the Building A Worship Center at 11am. It is a more casual Sunday service that is led by a band and features modern worship music.


Worship at our River Road campus in North Amarillo (8605 River Road) takes place at 10:45am. It features blended-traditional music in a smaller church atmosphere. It features a live message each week from River Road Campus Pastor Micah Meurer.


At 6pm on Saturdays (during Saturday night worship) and at 11am on Sundays (during TheEleven), we offer unique age-appropriate worship experiences for children. Kids in 1st-5th grades attend Children's Worship in the Peebz area of Building B. Four and 5 year-old children attend worship in the KidSize Worship Room (Saturday) or Room A210 (Sunday). Children birth-age 3 are in Extended Teaching Care (ETC) during these hours of worship.

These worship services feature large-group music, small-group interaction, and teaching that caters to kids' attention spans.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 806-355-3396
Call Office: 806-355-3396
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Paramount Baptist Church

At Paramount, our goal is to love God, love each other, love the community around us (immediately in Amarillo and across the world) and share life with each other. That is our vision and purpose: to love and be loved.

Using Titus 3:14 as our motivation, we try to focus our ministries and teachings around our need to:

1. Engage God: Our worship services allow everyone to express their love for God and experience His love. Beyond that, we encourage people to worship throughout the week through personal devotion and outward acts of service.

2. Engage Family: We desire every family to experience success. Couples enjoy strong marriages, while families are equipped to disciple children in partnership with activities through our preschool, children’s and youth ministries

3. Engage One Another: We experience authentic community by participating in a LifeGroup, where individuals share life and deepen relationships.

4. Engage the World: People are challenged to serve both inside the church and beyond our walls—in the community, across the state, and around the world.

As for our specific beliefs, Paramount began as and continues to be a church within the Southern Baptist tradition. We adhere to those doctrines and beliefs stated in the 2000 Baptist Faith & Message.

Location Map


Other Church Leaders


Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information