Saint John Lutheran Church
62657 North Ave, Ray, Michigan
Lutheran churches in Ray, Michigan

Location of Worship
62657 North Ave
United States
Service Times
Sunday Divine Service: 9:00 am
Children Education: 10:30 am
Monday Divine Service: 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve: 4:00 pm (wth choir) and 7:00 pm
Christmas Day: 10:30 am
New Year's Eve: 6:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Div Svc: 7:00 pm
Good Friday Div Svc: 3:00 pm
Easter Divine Services: 6:00 and 9:00 am
Contact Info
Call Pastor: (586) 749-5286 / (810)392-2392
Call Office: (586) 749-5286
Send Fax: (586) 749-7778
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website
About Saint John Lutheran Church
St. John is a parish in the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church and a member of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church. She is affiliated with the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church– Missouri Synod (LC-MS). "Catholic" means the one, true (orthodox) universal Church that transcends temporal, geographic and all other barriers. This term was first applied to the Christian Church by Ignatius in about 110 A.D. who wrote: "Where Christ is, there is the catholic Church."We are a confessional Lutheran congregation. We subscribe to the unconditionally to the Confessions contained in the 1580 Book of Concord as the correct interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and faithful proclamation of the Christian faith. Visit lcms.org to learn more about our beliefs. As the Augsburg Confession of 1530 declares (Article XXI) "...our churches dissent in no article of the faith from the Church Catholic, but only omit some abuses which are new." We are a liturgical congregation, treasuring the historic liturgy and worship of the Church.
We proudly support Issues, Etc., Lutheran talk radio for the world. Listen live or on-demand at Issuesetc.org or download free podcasts from iTunes.
You are welcome here: While we have “heavenly” worship, we are a friendly, down to earth parish! We love to welcome people here, and your questions are always gladly answered.
Our building is barrier-free, with plenty of lighted, paved parking. We are located in northern Macomb County in Ray Township. Our church is at 62657 North Avenue, just south of the intersection of North Avenue and 29 Mile Road .
Service to our community and the world: Our parish wants to give Christ’s love to the community through acts of service. For example, we participate in the MCREST program, in which we join with two other congregations to house and feed the homeless for one week each year. We actively support humanitarian work and proclamation of the Gospel in foreign lands.
Word and Sacrament: God establishes and sustains His life in us by the Gospel -- His holy Word and Sacraments. We therefore take great care to faithfully give and receive the Gospel. We hold the Holy Scriptures to be the inspired and inerrant Word of the living, Triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Liturgy and music: St. John is a liturgical congregation. That is, we cherish the traditional, reverent, beautiful liturgy (form of worship) that God’s Holy Church has passed down from generation to generation. The liturgy is built from the Word of God itself. Therefore, God fills our hearts, minds and voices with His living Word through the Church’s liturgy and song.
The Rev. Edward Steeh has served as St. John’s pastor since 1998. He was graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Pastor and Mrs. Steeh have been blessed by God with four children and six grandchildren.
Location Map
- Pastor Rev Joshua T Ball
- Phone: (586) 749-5286 / (810)392-2392
- Email: Email Pastor
Other Church Leaders
- Phone: (586) 749-5286
- Fax: (586) 749-7778
- Email: Email Admin
Children and Youth Activities
Community Activities
Other Information
- Dress Code:
- Adult Congregation: 0
- Under 18 Congregation: 0
- Other Information: