Chapel of the Good Shepherd

(Episcopal church in West Lafayette, IN)

610 Meridian Street, West Lafayette, Indiana

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Location of Worship

610 Meridian Street West Lafayette Indiana 47906 Jump to map

Service Times

Sunday Worship:

9:00 am Morning Prayer via Zoom
10:00 am Holy Eucharist
7:00 pm Holy Eucharist (while Purdue is in session)

Christmas Eve and Day schedule:

Tuesday, December 24th, 2024:

Christmas Eve, at the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, 610 Meridian Street, West Lafayette

7:00 PM, in-person service of Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, December 25th, 2024:

Christmas Day, at St. John's Episcopal Church, 600 Ferry Street, Lafayette

10:15 AM, in-person service of Carols and Holy Eucharist

Contact Info

Call Pastor: 765-743-1347 Call Office: 765-743-1347 Send Fax: Email The Rev. Dr. Hilary E. Cooke Email Mark Thomas Visit Website

(last updated on the 23rd of December, 2024)

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About Chapel of the Good Shepherd

  • The Chapel of the Good Shepherd is a ministry of the Diocese of Indianapolis to the campus community of Purdue University.

    We have just about all the things you would expect an Episcopal church to have: “Ritual, Community, and Free Food”; we have just about everybody you might expect to meet in a congregation connected to a University: students, older people, singles, and young families, all eager to learn and grow in their faith.

    If you are ready to deepen your spiritual life in an intimate community grounded in the traditions of The Episcopal Church while faithfully reaching out to serve the community, please come join us!

    We are located at 610 Meridian Street in West Lafayette.

    Holy Eucharist: Sundays at 10:00 am year-round & 7:00 pm during the academic year

Chapel of the Good Shepherd Photos


  • Chaplain The Rev. Dr. Hilary E. Cooke
  • Phone: 765-743-1347
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email The Rev. Dr. Hilary E. Cooke

Other Church Leaders


  • Parish Admnistrator Mark Thomas
  • Phone: 765-743-1347
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Mark Thomas

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Dress Code:
  • Adult Congregation:
  • Under 18 Congregation:
  • Other Information:

Chapel of the Good Shepherd Location Map

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