About Victory Outreach South Sacramento
Victory Outreach-South Sacramento is a Christian church formed in 1998 under the pastoral leadership of Edward "Eddie" Caraveo and Thalia Caraveo. We are one of many churches within the over all ministry of Victory Outreach International. Victory Outreach is an international church. We are called to the task of evangelizing the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ. This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, rehabilitation homes and training centers in strategic city around the world. We inspire and instill within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny. One of our goals is to work cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the tasks before us.
Through the ministry of Victory Outreach-South Sacramento we help not only those that are part of our church but we do a multitude of outreaches that assist the county of Sacramento, as well as the Sacramento Police Department in reducing crime and gang activity by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through many who serve as counselors and volunteers to high crime zones. We conduct on Sunday and Wednesday church worship and services that help encourage and build not only the current body of Christ but also those coming for the first time.
For over 45 years, the foundational beliefs that have been a primary motivating factor in Victory Outreach are seen evident in the thousands of lives changed since they walked through our doors. Uniquely distinguished by our fundamental belief in God's love and transforming power of His love for hurting people from all walks of life
Our mission to reach the lost as mandated by Christ in what is known as the Great Commission found in the Gospels Jesus commands his disciples "... go and make disciples of all nations" and "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."