Victory Outreach San Jose

590 Shawnee Lane, San Jose, California

Victory Outreach International churches in San Jose, California

Victory Outreach San Jose, San Jose, California, United States
Victory Outreach San Jose, San Jose, California, United States

Location of Worship

590 Shawnee Lane
San Jose
United States

Service Times

Sunday Celebration – 10:00am & 6:00pm

Tuesday Night (Youth G.A.N.G. Service) – 7:00pm

Friday Night Prayer – 7:30pm

Our Worship Services include worship music and a life changing message. We also throw in some media and lights just to keep things interesting. The music is led by a worship leader along with a live band featuring today’s music. The message is always focused on addressing the real issues that real people face in their daily lives.

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (408) 578-0800
Call Office: (408) 578-0800
Send Fax: (408) 578-1979
Email Pastor
Email Admin
Visit Website

About Victory Outreach San Jose

Mission Statement

Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ.

This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, and training centers, in strategic cities of the world.

Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny.

Victory Outreach works cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.

Our Beliefs

For 50 years, the foundational beliefs that have been a primary motivating factor in Victory Outreach are seen evident in the thousands of lives that have never been the same since they walked through the doors of Victory Outreach. Victory Outreach is uniquely distinguished by its fundamental belief in God’s love and in the transforming power of His love for hurting people from all walks of life.

Victory Outreach believes in the church’s mission to reach the lost as mandated by Christ in what is known as the Great Commission found in the Gospels. Jesus commands his disciples “… go and make disciples of all nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mt 28:19, Mark 16:15 NIV).

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