About Toluca Lake United Meth Church
No matter what your story is, at Toluca Lake United Meth Church we believe that with God as the foundation, everybody can write a story of hope and success. Meet other believers from in and around Toluca Lake in California and make friends so you can enjoy the journey together. "The believers shared a common purpose, and every day they spent much of their time together in the Temple area. They also ate together in their homes. They were happy to share their food and ate with joyful hearts." Acts 2:46
We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. As the verbally inspired Word of God, the Bible is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by which every realm of human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore, it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.
About The Bible: The Bible is God's authoritative Word to all mankind. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. In its original writing, it is inspired, infallible and inerrant. It alone is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living.
About Generosity: Give it away - You can give without living, but you can't love without giving. 'The son of God... loved me and gave himself for me.' - Galatians 2:20