About Peninsula Bible Church
For more than 60 years Peninsula Bible Church has been a place of vibrant life and far-reaching impact for the kingdom of God. We are thankful for our past, we rejoice in all that is happening today, and we are excited to see where God will lead us in the future.
Our church is made up of people from many different life stages and at different places in their walks of faith. We see ourselves as a family of people drawn together by God to follow as he leads. We seek to live out God's truth and love, and to walk alongside one another in all seasons.
We value a collaborative approach to church life and to ministry. This extends to how we view leadership. We do not have a senior pastor. All of our pastors are charged with equipping the members of our church body for participation in God's work. An expository approach to the preaching of scripture is emphasized so that each person in the church might deepen in their understanding and be trained up in faith.
In all things we seek to know and honor Christ Jesus together as our Lord. We celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit that is building us up as a community and is enabling us to grow in love for God, for each other, and for the world.