About Evangelical Free Church
We invite you to worship with us!
9:00 a.m. Life Group - Adult Sunday School in Brownell Hall
10:30 a.m. Worship Service in the main sanctuary
Children K through 6th grade will be excused for KID's Church.
Nursery workers are available to care for your infants and toddlers.
There is a baby cryroom available also; someone in the foyer will direct you.
12:30 p.m. Forge Youth
6:30 p.m. Bible Study
MISSION STATEMENT: We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Statement of Faith: http://www.efcyv.org/what-we-believe.html
Our Core Values:
Bible Centered
We believe the Bible is the truth, inspired by God, living and active to all generations and is our final authority in all matters in faith and practice.
Prayer is communication with God through the Holy Spirit. Prayer is critical to our personal relationship with God and function as the body of Christ.
We glorify God by gathering together to recognize His love for us and express our love for Him in song, words and deeds.
Love One Another
As a church family, we commit to love one another as Jesus Christ loved us.
Heartfelt Relationship with Jesus Christ
Out personal relationship with Jesus Christ is ever-growing daily, moment, joyous and life changing.