Community Church of Brisbane

(EFC church in Brisbane, CA)

348 Visitacion Ave., Brisbane, California

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Location of Worship

348 Visitacion Ave. Brisbane California 94005 Jump to map

Service Times


10:00 am - Sunday School (for all ages)

11:00 am - Worship Service

6:00 pm - Evening Service


7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

(Child care available on Sunday)

Contact Info

Call Pastor: (415) 467-2126 Call Office: Send Fax: Email Steve Tregenza Visit Website

(last updated on the 4th of April, 2021)

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About Community Church of Brisbane

  • As our name implies, we are the Community Church of Brisbane. That means we would like to be YOUR church in Brisbane, California. We are not very large numerically, but we do feel that we have something to offer to each person in the community. Primarily, that is the message of God's love for each one of us.

    We believe that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty of our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. We believe that, if we accept Him as our Savior, we are able to receive full pardon for our sins and a place prepared for us in Heaven with Him.

    We are associated with the Evangelical Free Churches of America, but we are an independent, fundamental church, taking our authority from the Bible. We believe that the Word of God is the final authority in matters of our belief and faith.

    We are small in number, but we look at that as a matter of opportunity for anyone who wishes to fellowship with us. The possibilities are endless if you are a believer looking for something to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Lord provides workers, we would love to start youth groups for grade school children, high school students, and college/young adult age groups. To do this, however, we need Christians who are willing to give of themselves.

    We feel that the purpose of the local church is three-fold:

    First, we need to reach the unsaved for Christ. If you have never trusted Christ as your Savior, then we would like the opportunity to tell you about Him and His love for you. In a day where violence and hatred abound in the world, the love of God is alive and freely offered to each of us. This is the message that we would like you to know and understand.

    Second, we need to instruct believers in the Word of God, in obedience to Christ's command to disciple His own. The more we understand the Bible, the better we are able to live our lives for Christ. And the joy of the Christian life is magnified with our knowledge of God and His workings in our lives and the lives of the people around us.

    Third, as believers, we need to fellowship together. There is nothing better than to get together with other people who share a common interest, and simply enjoy ourselves freely. This is a strengthening process for each one of us.

    If you have read this far, then hopefully you have a better understanding of who we are. We are not a large, impersonal church where you can attend and get lost in a crowd. We are a small group of people who have a common bond, a common purpose and a common love for each other and the Lord. If the Lord leads you to our assembly, you will certainly be noticed and welcomed.

Community Church of Brisbane Photos


  • Pastor Steve Tregenza
  • Phone: (415) 467-2126
  • Fax:
  • Email: Email Steve Tregenza

Other Church Leaders


  • Phone:
  • Fax:

Children and Youth Activities


Community Activities

Other Information

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  • Adult Congregation: 0
  • Under 18 Congregation: 0
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